Thursday, February 23, 2017

Blog #4

Position Taking
Paul Ryan wants to repeal and replace Obama Care with his own health plan that he thinks will serve the American people better, especially people in his district. Paul Ryan met with some of his constituents in his district to discuss repealing and replacing Obama Care, and his constituents agree with him that it is important to always put the patient first when it comes to creating a health plan. Paul Ryan has been quoted saying, “However long [the] transition’s going to take, we’re going to make sure that the rug doesn’t get pulled out from under people—and that’s something we want to make very clear.” Also Paul Ryan and his constituents agreed that people with pre-existing conditions can not be denied coverage because of their health status. Paul Ryan is taking a strong stance against Obama Care and has the taken up the position of a different health care plan that he thinks will be a much better plan. Paul Ryan taking a stance against Obama Care makes him more likeable and relatable to his constituents. Paul Ryan is aligning himself with the beliefs of his constituents and this continues to build up his strong tenure and reputation among his constituents (which will help him get reelected in the future).  

Paul has taken the position to support Trump’s border wall between Mexico and the U.S. which has caused a lot of controversy. Paul Ryan was spotted recently touring the border along Mexico and Texas, and he did not let any media follow him there. After his tour, Paul Ryan was quoted saying, “When you see with your own eyes the many challenges facing our law enforcement professionals along the border, it gives you even greater respect for the work that they do day in and day out, But more tools and more support are needed for them to do their jobs effectively.” The position Paul Ryan has taken on immigration has made a lot of people criticize his stance on immigration, and people protested against him when he was in Texas touring the border. Some citizens are disappointed in him because they thought he was a moderate on immigrant not someone who supported Trump’s immigration policy. Paul Ryan’s stance on immigration aligns with some of his constituents beliefs, but his stance also does not align with other constituents beliefs.  

Paul Ryan met with people from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in Wisconsin in order to be introduced to a six year old girl who had been diagnosed with Leukemia. Paul Ryan met this brave girl and presented her a certificate for the valery she has portrayed in her fight against cancer and the certificate read: “In recognition  of not only being a survivor of Leukemia, but also of your hard work [which] . . . has been instrumental in [the] efforts [to find] cures, celebrating  survivorship, and raising critical funds for research programs. . . . Your service is greatly appreciated by the residents of the Kenosha community, the State of Wisconsin, and the United States of America.” Paul Ryan is taking his own personal time to meet with the people of his district and try to connect with them to a build a positive brand name of himself by showing his constituents that he cares about their needs in life even if it doesn’t involve politics. By meeting with this young girl, Paul Ryan creates a more favorable image of himself as a congressman who truly cares about his constituents.

Credit Claiming
As Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan is taking part of the credit for the 200 day plan to push forward Donald Trump’s agenda which includes to repeal and replace Obama Care and come up with two budgets in this upcoming year, and one of those budgets will be a tax reform. Paul Ryan was quoted saying, “This will be the most productive presidency and Congress in our lifetimes.” Paul Ryan is letting the American people and his constituents know that he is doing everything in his power to push forward Trump’s agenda and mentions he has been successful so far, like repealing parts of Obama Care. Paul Ryan is also showing people that he actually wants to get “stuff” done, and that he is an instrumental part in accomplishing Trump's agenda and how his power as Speaker of the House is a major contributor in accomplishing Trump’s agenda.

Paul Ryan also sponsored the bill H.R.2668 which states: “This bill prohibits the Department of Health and Human Services from taking any action to finalize, implement, enforce, or otherwise give effect to the proposed rule entitled ‘"Flexibility, Efficiency, and Modernization in Child Support Enforcement Programs"’ or any proposal set forth in the proposed rule.” This bill is one of the many Paul Ryan has sponsored in political career. Paul Ryan has sponsored and cosponsored over 100 bills since he has been in Congress. He has taken on a very active role in Congress, and he shows his constituents that he takes his job very seriously by trying to pass bills he thinks would be beneficial to his constituents and the rest of the American people. Paul Ryan has the track record to credit claim for a vast amount of bills he has tried to make become law, and he seems to claim a lot of credit on legislation regarding health care and taxes. Paul Ryan has taken the credit for repealing Obama care and drafting a bill that will improve the American tax system and fix the national budget.

Paul Ryan can also “credit claim” he's probably the only person in Congress to get dabbed on.

Social Media
Paul Ryan uses twitter as a platform for himself which demonstrates the concepts of position taking, credit claiming, and advertising. Paul Ryan’s pinned tweet on his twitter (the first tweet everyone sees when they visit his twitter page) is a three minute video of himself saying how the U.S. and Israel need to restore their relation with one another. This video is a clear example of position taking by Paul Ryan stating his belief in how the U.S. and Israel should interact with one another, but it is also an example of advertising because the video is on display for the 1.64 million people who follow him on twitter, and they are exposed to the image building he creates of himself through twitter. Paul Ryan tweeted a link to the "Congressional Review Act" progress report (on Feb.22) to take credit for his efforts to get rid of Obama’s regulation, which would be an example of credit claiming. Paul Ryan has over 10 thousand tweets, so obviously social media has a large role in his career. His social media demonstrates advertising by showing press interviews and personal pictures of himself which greatly help build his brand name. Position taking is demonstrated by him tweeting by what his beliefs are on certain issues which allow his constituents to clearly know what he stands for, and this helps Paul Ryan show his constituents his beliefs align with there beliefs. Credit claiming is demonstrated by Paul Ryan tweeting about his accomplishments, like repealing Obama Care, and he shows his constituents how active he is, and how he is a vital factor in the successes of the government.

Franking and Traveling Expenses
Paul Ryan has spent a vast amount of money in franking in order to advertise for himself. During this past reelection year, Paul Ryan spent 5,363.97 dollars on franking to let his constituents know what he was doing in D.C.; he only spent 2,106.63 dollars on franking in 2015. Because he was up for reelection he took advantage of the free advertising of franking and let his constituents know what kind of beneficial work he was doing. Franking allows an easy way for Paul Ryan to credit claim and advertise for himself; the letters he mails can let his constituents know about his individual accomplishments or can promote him by saying how good of a person he is. He also spent a lot more money on traveling in 2016 than he did in 2015. He spent 37,027.56 dollars on traveling in 2016, and he only spent 10,868.94 dollars in 2015. Paul Ryan most likely spent a lot more money in 2016 so he could go home and spend more time in his district to interact with his constituents and help himself get reelected. By spending more time in his district he is able to campaign in his district and show his constituents that he cares about their needs and their time.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Blog #3

General election

[hide]U.S. House, Wisconsin District 1 General Election, 2016
Vote %
Green check mark transparent.pngPaul Ryan  Incumbent
Ryan Solen
Trump Conservative
Spencer Zimmerman
Jason Lebeck
Total Votes

Paul Ryan’s biggest challenger going into the 2016 General Election was Ryan Solen (Democrat). Paul Ryan headed into the election with close to 10 million dollars raised compared to Ryan Solen’s 7,500 dollars raised ; obviously Paul Ryan had the major advantage. Solen tried to appeal to the people of Wisconsin by saying Paul Ryan was “looking solely for party wins, and not necessarily what’s best for the people.” Ryan Solen wanted to have a debate with Paul Ryan to try gain more popularity among Wisconsin's 1st District, but Paul Ryan refused saying his constituents already know what he stands for and see his work in the community. To no surprise, considering Paul Ryan’s campaign funds and his powerful reputation, he crushed Ryan Solen in the General Election.

General Election Outlook

Paul Ryan’s 2018 General Election outlook is in his favor. He has been the representative for Wisconsin’s First Congressional District since 1999 and there has been no signs of him slowing down. From 2000-2016, Paul Ryan has won the General Elections in a landslide almost every time. Since Paul Ryan has come into office, his power has only been rising. He is now the Speaker the House and he is one of the most powerful people in congress. It is hard to imagine that his constituents would ever want to unseat the Speaker of the House who happens to be their district representative. Paul Ryan’s districts lines were also redrawn which made his district more Republican, which now makes Paul Ryan almost invincible to be unseated from a candidate who is from a different party. My prediction is that he is very safe in the next General Election.

Primary election

[hide]U.S. House, Wisconsin District 1 Republican Primary, 2016

Vote %

Green check mark transparent.pngPaul Ryan  Incumbent

Paul Nehlen

Total Votes

In the 2016 Primary Election, Paul Ryan faced Paul Nehlen. Paul Ryan’s reelection was under the radar and no one really cared about the election until Donald Trump said he would not endorse Paul Ryan and he praised Paul Nehlen instead. Donald Trump’s comments made the Primary Election gain the national spotlight. After Trump’s comments Paul Ryan was still the heavy favorite, but there was still the possibility that Paul Nehlen could pull off one of the biggest upsets in election history, and people were sincerely worried about Paul Ryan’s job security. Paul Ryan did not overreact to Trump’s comments and he stuck to his gameplan and he crushed Paul Nehlen in the election.

Primary Election Outlook

Paul Ryan’s Primary Election outlook his strongly in his favor. Paul Ryan has been easily winning the Primary Elections and his constituents remain extreme loyal to him because they feel he represents their needs, and that he makes a sincere effort to make their lives better. Paul Ryan has been the representative of Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District for sixteen years and it is hard to believe that his constituents will want to get rid of him anytime soon. Paul Ryan’s ability to raise money and power he holds as Speaker of the House makes it highly unlikely a fellow Republican will be able to unseat him in the next election. My prediction is that he his very safe in the next Primary Election.

Campaign Finance Status
In 2016, The average amount a money a congressmen raised was 1.82 million dollars, and Paul Ryan raised 19,811,897 dollars; no one even comes to close to him. The ability to raise vast amounts of money makes Paul Ryan seem untouchable in elections, and he embarrasses his opponents with the amount of money he raises and it shows in the election results. Every election since 2000, Paul Ryan has raised over a million dollars and each year he continues to make more money than the previous year. The amount of money Paul Ryan raises significantly helps him win elections because he has so many resources and supporters that he can use, and the power he gains from the money he raises go hand and hand. After elections, Paul Ryan has a great amount of leftover money which he can also use for his political advantage.

Campaign Cmte Fundraising, 2015 - 2016

Cash on Hand:
Last Report:
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Top 5 Contributors, 2015 - 2016, Campaign Cmte

Bank of America
Nike Inc
Blackstone Group
Pfizer Inc
Apple Inc

Top 5 Industries, 2015 - 2016, Campaign Cmte

Securities & Investment
Real Estate

Top vote-getting candidates
Election Results
Paul Ryan*
Ryan Solen
Incumbent Reelected
Paul Ryan*
Rob Zerban
Incumbent Reelected
Paul Ryan*
Rob Zerban
Incumbent Reelected
Paul Ryan*
John Heckenlively
Incumbent Reelected
Paul Ryan*
Margaret Krupp
Incumbent Reelected
Paul Ryan*
Jeffrey C Thomas
Incumbent Reelected
Paul Ryan*
Jeffrey C Thomas
Incumbent Reelected
Paul Ryan*
Jeffrey C Thomas
Incumbent Reelected
Paul D. Ryan*
Jeffrey C Thomas
Incumbent Reelected

Major Issues

The major issues for Paul Ryan and his district consists of: agriculture, education, energy, environment, health care, Defense and Homeland Security, immigration, jobs, economy, medicare, social security, taxes, trade, veterans and military, war on terrorism.

The industry of agriculture provides for more than 10% of the Wisconsin’s employment and generates 60 billion dollars in revenue. Paul Ryan helped past the “Farm Bill” which created reformed commodity programs that eliminated Direct Payments. Other ways farmers benefitted from this bill was that the bill provided regulatory relief, fundamental tax reform, and stronger economic growth.

Paul Ryan considers the current economy bad for southern Wisconsin jobs, and he feels like Washington is not helping because Washington is calling for an increase in taxes and continuing to spend money they do not have. Paul Ryan supported a bill called “A Balanced Budget For A Stronger America”. The bill is suppose to achieve balance of the national debt, repeal the Affordable Care Act, ensure national defense, and cut spending while improving accountability; the bill is suppose to accomplish all these things by not raising taxes and call for a simpler and fairer tax code that will create more jobs.